Having Acne = Oily Skin? Or is it dry skin?

For the longest time I thought I had oily skin. It wasn’t only until 5 years ago that I learnt that I have sensitive skin and my skin was in fact too dry causing it to produce more oil!

Types ConditionsSource: skincarebyalana

Our skin is made up of different layers of water based cells, with the top layer full of sebum and lipids that helps to protect the skin. It is estimated that our skin contains 64% water. In the case of dry weather, excessive tanning, and whenever your skin feels dehydrated, it sends a signal telling your skin that it is not hydrated enough and produces more oil in order to protect it!

How do you know if your skin is dehydrated? 
When your skin feels tight, flaky and shows fine lines but you are constantly shiny and there’s always a layer of oil sitting on your face.

What to do?
Exfoliate once a week. Even if you are using expensive products, if it doesn’t penetrate through to your cells, it won’t work.
Choose the right cleansers. Gel cleansers are most suited for dry and sensitive skin types, Avoid using foam cleansers especially the ones that produce an excess amount of foam. This is because the foam will make your skin more dry. (I used to love how clean it made my face feel, I was wrong.)
Lather your cleanser on your hands first before applying it to your face! Excess rubbing causes your blood to circulate faster which is not ideal for acne prone skin. Also, too much tugging and rubbing can cause our skin to age quicker.
Do masks. I mask at least 5 times a week switching between paper, wash-off and DIY masks.
**Remember to never leave your masks for over 20 mins (unless instructed to do so). You will get a reverse effect**
Pre-mask / Post-mask procedures I find it more hydrating to apply serum before applying my mask. It’s also important to apply cream after taking off my mask. Many of my friends tell me they don’t post masking. Never do that!
Drink plenty of water so that your body is always hydrated.
Facials are a must. I love doing hydra facials, a dermabrasion that includes lots of serums in between sucking out all the impurities.
Avoid tanning. However, who doesn’t love to be sun-kissed? So make sure you mask for a few consecutive days after exposing yourself to the sun.
Avoid hot showers and water that are too hot. Always use cold or near cold water to wash your face. Using water that is too hot in temperature can make your skin red, itchy and dry. Dry skin produces more oil which may lead to an outbreak of acne.

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